Hey, I'm Oli!

About me

Born in Oxford, UK, living in the Netherlands since 2009. British/French national.

Big fan of everything Internet.

Driving engineering teams to build cool things and be proud!

  • Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Languages: English, Dutch, French
  • Email: [email protected]

What I do


Experimenting with and discovering new technologies, solving the same problems in different ways, sharing experiences with others in personal and professional life.


Setting long term strategic plans, iterating on them, running a constant feedback loop.
Being flexible with priorities and strategies.


Building teams, creating an atmosphere where people are excited to talk about, develop and perfect the products they own. Huge advocate for a healthy work culture and enjoying doing the things you do.


Attending conferences and meetups, sharing knowledge, interacting with users of a product and showing honest enthusiasm in solving their problems, making their lives easier.

Tech I like

Fun stuff

Animal lover, motorcyclist, avid skiier. Contributing to open source projects. Machine Learning, IoT and Smart Home technologies.



2020 - Current

Web Services Team Manager

Keeping a diverse team of software engineers and webmasters happy, setting goals and strategy for the products we are responsible for, in line with the company’s vision.
Delegating ownership of various products to the team, providing oversight to upper management and ensuring the team is on track to deliver the products we are responsible for.

2013 - 2020

Software Engineer

Responsible for owning and developing various products in the RIPE NCC portfolio:

2012 - 2013

SEO Specialist & Developer

Responsible for supporting the Sales & Marketing team to achieve their objectives, and providing technical insight and solutions to their problems.

Personal Projects


Website to make a Sony API readable for humans


A feature-rich platform to help volunteer driver organisations in the UK


Simple site to create and test bcrypt hashes, mentioned in Troy Hunt's blog (creator of HaveIBeenPwned). One of the first sites ever deployed on Cloudflare Pages


Live recording and AI matching of bird noises from my balcony in Amsterdam. Using BirdNET-Pi